Jaxon Ang

Jaxon Ang

Born into a less privileged household, Jaxon had to struggle through uncertain times before reaching his massive success. 

He had taken numerous part-time in direct selling jobs throughout his university days to lighten the financial burden on his family. However, with a constant debt weighing down his conscious, Jaxon knew that this would not be a permanent solution. 

To secure his future, Jaxon vigorously educated himself more to reach his dream of success. Leaving his part-time jobs once he had graduated, Jaxon put his focus into network marketing. 

This had earned him his first success, establishing his first GMP factory manufacturing wellness products. These soon led him to his eventual passion and triumph as a successful entrepreneur, plant stem cell. His discovery of plant stem cell was the turning point for Jaxon. 

With the full belief that plant stem cell is beneficial to human’s health, Jaxon put his entire focus towards the plant stem cell industry. It has caused the establishment of Eharta365, a manufacturer of plant stem cell health products. 

With his passion and dedication to improving people’s healthcare, Jaxon had spread his company’s influence over 5 different countries and with no plans on stopping there. 

A believer of philanthropic causes, Jaxon had travelled throughout the globe to improve human welfare by educating the public of health education. He gives back to society through his knowledge of human health and plant stem cell products, ameliorate more than 20,000 individual’s health. 

The principle of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, Jaxon is an inspirational leader who is charitable in both substance and knowledge.

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