Recently featured on Berita TV9, PUSPAKOM has introduced a new way to aid the fight against the global pandemic. Under the overseeing of Datuk Ooi Win Juat, the Head of Marketing and Advisory of PUSPAKOM, this new way of relief is through the maintenance of your car.
This new method comes in the form of cost-saving vehicle maintenance from PUSPAKOM. The program, supervised by Datuk Ooi, is the dawn to aiding the community to a lower cost maintenance for vehicles.
A man of few words yet holds commendable efforts in the automobile industry of Malaysia, Datuk Ooi heeds the program on how important the inner maintenance of a car is in relation to a car’s health and longevity.
In the recent interview, Datuk Ooi explains how every car’s inner component plays a huge role in ensuring a vehicle is in good health. Each part must be maintained adequately and on time, for without the right care, the component faces the risk of being exposed to exhaustion. This could lead to long term damages over time. To care for your car’s engine is also said to be caring for your expenses.
One of the highlighted components throughout the program is the constant maintenance of a car’s engine oil. Datuk Ooi emphasizes that maintaining a continuous schedule of changing a car’s engine oil is a crucial key to preserving your car’s overall health.
The same goes for a car’s oil filter as it helps remove contaminants from a car engine’s oil. Datuk Ooi recommends that the replacement of gear oil after a vehicle has surpassed its 20,000 km mark will ensure smooth transitions of gears and avoid damages to the gearbox.
In these tough times, Datuk Ooi encourages society to utilize the best of PUSPAKOM’s high-end facilities to maintain their cars, for they are currently functioning at a low-cost rate.
Under Datuk Ooi’s guidance, PUSAKOM ensures that any car under them will be in safe hands. As someone in the automobile industry once said, “A healthy car leads to a happy life”.